
Micaela . Micaela .

Jefe's Story

I cared for Jefe for two weeks before he passed away. Jefe's previous owner was reportedly abusive and neglectful, and he was in poor condition when he came into my care. I was informed that he had ingested paint, and upon examination, I observed blood clots in his eyes, a bloody nose, and minor injuries to his left shoulder and paw. His condition improved significantly within days; his eyes cleared, and his limp disappeared. Three days before his death, he began vomiting and lost his appetite, which I initially attributed to something he may have eaten on a walk. When my wife mentioned dark urine, I dismissed it as his urine appeared normal later. While pet insurance was a consideration, I delayed obtaining it, not anticipating his sudden decline. On November 29th, 2024, my wife noticed his eyes were yellow. After a previous false alarm, I delayed returning home, but upon arrival, I found Jefe severely jaundiced. I immediately contacted the nearest emergency veterinary clinic and rushed him there, suspecting kidney failure. Unfortunately, we lacked the funds for the exam, and were not eligible for CareCredit. We were unable to afford treatment at other facilities contacted, and were forced to leave without receiving care. While driving through congested traffic, overcome with emotion, I felt as though I were dreaming. The thought of having saved him only to have to say goodbye was unbearable. Who am I to decide when a life should end? Upon reaching the animal shelter, I found an insurance pamphlet and contacted the company, only to be disheartened. Because Jefe had pre-existing conditions, his coverage wouldn't begin for two weeks. I sought assistance to help Jefe pass peacefully. The struggle was over; there was nothing more I could do, and he was exhausted. I established the Pet's Forth Foundation in Jefe's memory. His passing was deeply unfair, and I remain in disbelief. I am dedicated to preventing other pets from suffering due to financial hardship.

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